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Hereharehere, Bad Orb, Hobo Sonn, Blood Stereo, Bolide Splinter Group
Presented by: Cafe OTO0 | LONDON: Cafe Oto |
P | Saturday 20th August, 2011 |
N | 8:00pm |
A one night showcase of some of the main artists involved in Brighton's closely knit post-noise weirdo-improv scene.
Robin Dickinson (who also performs solo electronics as Slow Listener) and Melanie Potter perform no-fi a'cappella vocal improv rituals.
Bad Orb
Bad Orb is the solo project of Sarah Albury (Polly Shang Kuan Band, Jettatura) whose audio-visual work lies in the blurry area between fact and fiction.
Hobo Sonn
Solo joint of Ian Murphy (Gryn Brvs), uses a single sound source and dissolves it into the finest hiss and crackle.
Blood Stereo
Dylan Nyoukis and Karen Constance create thick, psychedelic audio-mulch with tapes, throats and objects.
"Blood Stereo... explores hand-cranked 20th century technology in combination with epiglottal gymnastics and free music modes inherited as much from punk rock's mutilated aesthetic as utopian art styles." David Keenan
Bolide Splinter Group Band
Members of guerilla-Improv unit, Bolide, (Daniel Spicer, F. Ampism, Tom Roberts, Lewis Major) performing a free-style electro-acoustic jam with Dylan Nyoukis and Ian Murphy.