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P | Friday 16th December, 2011 |
N | 10:00pm |
Room 1 - The best of Rave from NOW! The best of rave from back in the day!
BasslineRave,Dubstep,Wonky Tech/ 90's Drum'N'Bass, old skool hardcore, jungletekno, techno classics
DRUMS OF DEATH-LIVE (Greco Roman Records)
Emerging from the darkness of London's club scene is DRUMS OF DEATH who comes correct ROCKING THE VOODOO ZOMBIE LOOK with his innovative concoction of Crunchy Electro, Old Skool House, Punk Rock and full bodied Techno, MASHED UP IN ONE BANGING BLENDER; garnished with warped sample snippets and plenty of WHAT THE FUCK!? His energetic and exciting live shows are intense, raucous and a touch confrontational with RAVE AND VOCALS IN UNUSUAL MEAURES. He has remixed for a mish-mash of artists including Hot Chip, Tricky, Franz Ferdinand and Drop The Lime as well as co-writing the title track of Peaches' album "I Feel Cream". YOU WILL BE GOING AKKA FOR HIS LOVE SONGS AND RAVE HORNS!
Check him out here:
MUSTARD GUNN (Coin Operated Records)
Head honcho of the infamous Coin-Op recs plain and simply smashes dancefloors into tiny pieces and then SHITS DOWN THEIR NECKS JUST FOR THE CRAIC. He releases dirty, 'avin it rave music from the likes of Kanji Kinetic, Jerome Hill & Squire of Gothos. He mash-up the best bits of wonky tech, jungle, bassline, dubstep and breakcore churning them into something new and original. Expect thumping kicks, throbbing bass, rolling amens, rushing hoovers and LASHINGS OF RAVE FUCKING PIANOS! GET YA GURN ON!
Check out the carnage that is MUSTARD GUNN here:
Plus DJ sets from the original Milk the Cow DJ's plus guests
UEP (Backlash,MTC,Detox)
SPECTRA (Turbulence,Curves)-1993 Jungletekno set
MC Chickendada
Comedy story telling and live wrong doing plus seedy DJ sets spinning Charity shop & carboot sale bargains/70's & 80's filth/Gangsta rap/italodisco/electrosoul/guilty pleasures
The much loved 'Bard of Bradford' strums an acoustic guitar and tells tall tales for the chemical generation. Tackling subjects such as begging, solvent abuse, pigeon hypnosis, skankin ya nana, and his love of Buckfast wine, you will be gagging with laughter from this off the cuff comedy genius
RAVEOKE- Returns to Newcastle. Singalong to your fave 90's dance floor moments!
FUNSIZE JONNY (Bodymelt, Detox,Tanners)
PEGZ (Sublevel 2, Backlash, Rollies 4 Mice)-Diggin the crates Hiphop Classix set
MR SPATUZZI(MTC, Backlash) Electrosoul set
Plus info-stall
13 Years after its untimely demise in the 90's Newcastle's original eclectic electronic music night rises again from the ashes once more to bring you 2 rooms of lactating beats and purile comedy straight from the udderground!
Big up yaselves everyone who came to see Kanji Kinetic, MC Gaff-E and the MTC crew smash it on the 24th. We're working on a special line up at the moment, details released on our like page here first:
We will be releasing Super advance early bird tickets exclusively to the MTC Friends and Family list first for a limited period only later this week on a strictly limited basis.
If you bought an advance ticket for The Cow on the 24th of September we have your details on file like a motherfuckin rave illuminati. We will e-mail you the link first, meaning you can buy tickets for £6. 4 days after we release these,if there are any left, they will go on general release via Facebook and Twitter until they are gone. We really appreciate the fact that people were prepared to support the night and we'd like to say thanks by giving you the chance to get sorted first. Anybody who buys Advance tickets for this event will be added to the MTC Friends and family list if we do any events in the future.NOW ON GENERAL RELEASE HERE:
The Friday before Christmas isn't called 'Black Eye Friday' for nowt. Hoards of marauding radgepots with their ties rund their heids normally stalk the Toon like proper daftys after half a glass of QC,abusing the gaffers wife and photocopying their arses at an utter shitebag Office party trying to impress people they don't like. Generally cool people take a slap just for having the temerity to be walking past them in the street.Fuck em.
The Globe's bang out of the way from Tyneside's annual answer to Sodom and Gomorrah,sweet fucking biscuits,lets keep it well under the radar and kick off at Christmas in the true spirit of the season, the way Baby Jesus(TM) intended:
PEACE, LOVE AND UNITY- As ever, let's kick the fucking lips off it! (In a good way;)
Twatter: @milkthecowtoon
Milk the Cow was a much loved clubnight in the late 90's in Newcastle. Starting out life at Newcastle Arts Centre, the night quickly outgrew the venue and moved to a regular fortnightly slot at the legendary Rockshots club in Waterloo Street. Championing a diverse selection of underground music in 2 rooms, no 2 nights were ever the same at a time just before the big corporate highjack of the scene.
Some of the people who played there,socialised there and some who were the subject of strong suggestions of behaviour modification from the legendary diplomatic corps on the door there, have went on to bigger things; setting up their own labels,clubnights and criminal empires with some notoriety.
When Milk the Cow came to an end in 1998,the organisers,luminaries and rent-a-crowd went their seperate ways with some going on to produce infamous clubnights and events in the area such as Fuelled by Hate,Filth,Backlash etc which have left their mark on the scene whereas some decided to 'grow the fuck up',realising they'd shot their bolt to early with the persians and have spent the best part of the last decade shovelling liquified cerrebellum up their cochleas with their decrepit sub-gibbon wank talons, regretting every second of the onset of the earliest quarter-life crisis since Adrian Mole was mugged off by Pandora for being a proper poindexter and/or sucking major league corporate cock for baccy.Trustafarii in excelcius.
People have asked us many times over the years to bring the night back, there's no particular reason why we've decided to do it now 13 years after the fact. It just feels right. What hasn't changed in this time is our shared love and passion for the music and we'll put as much of that into this as we ever have.
As you're all aware Rockshots is sadly not with us anymore and is now just another set of homogeonous MDF identikit hellholes which have afflicted our fair city since the turn of the millenium. We've decided to get as close as we can geographically with a venue that has a similar vibe to 'Shots in 'The Globe' just off Scotswood Road. What swung it for us in all honesty is the fact they've got a quality bugle terrace upstairs for talking shite in like a proper daftys kitchen in Elswick.
See you there. Let's kick the f**king lips off it.
0 | 11 Railway Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7AD |
> | |
! | 01912984000 |