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Valentine's day screening of 50 Kisses + Q&A

Presented by: Deptford Cinema
0LONDON: Deptford Cinema
PSunday 14th February, 2016

Event information

Deptford Cinema is proud to present 50 Kisses a ground breaking feature film created by a global collaboration of scriptwriters, actors, producers and filmmakers with the sole aim of creating an extraordinary movie.

In the summer of 2012 the London Screenwriters Festival issued a challenge to the writing community – create a killer 2 page script that filmmakers anywhere in the world will work to produce.

The best 50 of those films would then be woven together to create a feature length film that would receive a global release.

The only guidelines were that the scripts be set on Valentine's Day and feature at least one kiss. Out of 1870 script submissions and 127 completed films, the result is 50 Kisses, a ground breaking film showcasing the combined talents of hundreds of new creative voices from around the world.

Irreverent, charming, ridiculous, moving and at times wonderfully profound, 50 Kisses features everything from love struck zombies, androids and teddy bears to… fatigue fighting lesbians! 50 Kisses is the world's first crowd generated feature film; a multi-cultural and global reflection of pop culture's vision of love in the 21st century.

Venue information

LONDON: Deptford Cinema
039 Deptford Broadway

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