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Matthew Frederick (Climbing Trees) + Marged

Presented by: New Sound Wales
0CARDIFF: St John's Church, Canton
PSaturday 15th December, 2018

Event information

"Wyddwn fod y Nadolig ar ei ffordd unwaith mod i a'r teulu wedi bod i Eglwys St Ioan i weld Cyngherdd Al Lewis a'i ffrindiau"

Sioe Nadolig Al Lewis a’i ffrindiau 2018

Nos Wener 14eg a Nos Sadwrn 15ed o Rhagfyr 2018.
Eglwys St Ioan, Treganna, Caerdydd CF5 1NX
Drysau am 7y.h

Yn dilyn ei sioe llwyddiannus ar Lwyfan y Maes Eisteddfod Caerdydd 2018, mae Al Lewis yn nol am ei 6ed flwyddyn yn olynnol yn gwneud ei Sioe Nadolig, efo cymysgedd arbennig o westeion y fydd yn cael ei ddatgelu'n fuan iawn.

Blwyddyn dwethaf fe werthwyd y ddwy noson allan yn bell o flaen llaw felly rydym yn argymell eich bod yn archebu eich tocynnau'n gynnar.
Ma na groeso i blant dros 10 oed, ond tydi'r noson ddim yn addas i blant bach.

Mae'r seddi heb ei gadw.

Tocynnau yn £16 o flaen llaw + cost bwcio neu £20 ar y drws (dipynu ar argaeledd)

Archebwch ar-lein

Prynwch mewn person yn Siop Caban ym Mhontcanna.

Unrhyw ymholiadau cysyllwch a Francis 07960 820645.

"I know Christmas has arrived when my family and I come to St John's for the annual Al Lewis & Friends Christmas Show"'

Al Lewis & Friends Christmas shows 2018
Friday 14th & Saturday 15th December at St John's Church, Canton, Cardiff. Doors 7pm

Following his triumphant headline performance at this year's Eistedfodd Al Lewis returns to St John's Church for his 6th annual Christmas concert. Al has a stunning array of guests this year and they will be announced soon.

Both nights sold out in advance last year so we strongly advise booking early.

Older children are welcome, but the evening isn't suitable for toddlers.

Unreserved seating for approximately 175, the rest standing.

Tickets are £16.00 in advance + booking fee £20 on the door (subject to availability)

Book online at:

Buy in person at Caban Bookshop, Kings Road, Cardiff CF11 9DE

Any enquiries contact Francis 07960 820645.

Venue information

CARDIFF: St John's Church, Canton
0St John's Crescent
! 07960 820645
` Located off Cowbridge Road East, down the small one way st (Church Rd) opposite the Corporation Pub

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