Past event!
This event has already taken place.
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0 | ONLINE: OIWF Online |
P | Saturday 15th May, 2021 |
N | 10:00am |
COVID, the climate crisis, Trump and Fake News, “We’re All in This Together” but we’re not, obscene wealth and abject poverty. The world seems more upside down than ever.
On 17 May 1649, three soldiers were executed on Oliver Cromwell’s orders in Burford churchyard, Oxfordshire. They were Levellers, with beliefs in civil rights and religious tolerance. They stood up to Cromwell’s arrogance and they were shot for their pains.
Nearly 300 years later 2500 British and Irish men and women saw the evils of fascism and the appeasement of their national leaders and they joined the International Brigades in Spain to fight for freedom and justice for working people. 526 died on the Spanish battlefields.
Levellers Day has been an annual celebration of the fight for justice since 1975. This year’s event will be online and it is being jointly organised by the TUC London East and South East (TUC LESE) and the Oxford International Brigades Memorial Committee.
We have an exciting line up for you from 10:30 am through to the evening. The programme will include the annual acts of remembrance at Burford Church and at the Oxford International Brigade Memorial; film clips from earlier Levellers Days, from the Diggers occupation of St Georges Hill Surrey, and from International Brigade archives. We will have a panel of keynote speakers and a Q&A session on the theme of “The World Turned Upside Down”. And we will have music and entertainment and virtual stands from our radical campaigning comrades.
Do please join us. Tickets are free but a solidarity contribution towards platform costs and for building the 2022 event are welcome.