Terms and Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By using this site to buy tickets you will be deemed to have accepted all relevant terms and conditions.

Internet Tickets Limited acts as an agent facilitating the sale of Tickets to Events on behalf of Event Organisers (all as defined below). We therefore enter this agreement with you in our own right and on behalf of the Event Organisers.

These terms and conditions are divided into 2 parts:

  1. Those relating to Ticket purchases made by you from the Event Organiser(s) of the Event(s) which you have selected via our Website (the "Ticket Purchase Terms"); and
  2. Those relating to your use of this Website (the "Website Terms")

The expression "terms and conditions" is used to describe the combined provisions of the Ticket Purchase Terms and of the Website Terms.

In these terms and conditions;

  • "we" and "us" means Internet Tickets Limited (registered as a company in England and Wales, number 04442713), whose registered office is at 13 Kings Meadow, Ferry Hinksey Road, Oxford, OX2 0DP.
  • "Event" means the individual event or events advertised on our Website for which Tickets are available.
  • "Event Organiser" means a third-party supplier or suppliers of Tickets for the Events which may include a venue, performer, promoter or event organiser.
  • "Tickets" or "Bookings" means rights to admission in the form of unique Booking references.
  • "Website" means the website on which we make Tickets available and from which we promote Events.
  • "you" means an individual purchasing tickets using this Website.

If there is any conflict between the Ticket Purchase Terms and the Website Terms then the latter shall prevail.

1. Ticket Purchase Terms

Sale of Tickets

Rights to admission for Events are sold in the form of unique Booking references, which are delivered electronically via this Website.

Please note we do not purchase the Tickets, set the Ticket prices, nor determine seating locations at the Event. We collect the Ticket money on behalf of the Event Organiser and supply details of your booking to them. Ownership of the Tickets and rights to grant entry to the Event remains with the Event Organiser and does not pass to us at any time.

A request by you to purchase Tickets using the booking process on this Website is an offer made subject to these Ticket Purchase Terms. The offer is made when you proceed from the Basket Page of the Website. Acceptance by us of your offer on behalf of the Event Organiser shall be deemed to be effective when your payment has been cleared and we have confirmed your order.

Making your Booking

To buy Tickets, you must either register an account with us, log in to an existing account you have, or provide valid details using the Guest Checkout facility.

Please see our Privacy Policy for further information about how we will use your personal data. You must not use our Website or any services available via it if you do not accept this Privacy Policy and our terms and conditions.

You must be over 16 years old to buy Tickets using this Website and must also comply with any age restrictions that apply to the venue where the Event is being held (as set out below).

Throughout the Website you may choose the Tickets you wish to purchase and add them to your basket. Please check your purchase carefully before you confirm your purchase and check out by proceeding from the basket page. At this stage an offer has been made by you to purchase the Tickets selected.

Once you have offered to purchase the Tickets then, subject to their availability at advertised prices and checking your payment details, we will accept your offer and confirm your Booking by displaying your unique Booking reference.

When we accept your offer to buy a Ticket we will charge you via your chosen payment method with the face value of the Ticket plus a Booking Fee where applicable. The face value and booking fee will be clearly itemised in your basket before you confirm your purchase and check out. We forward the face value of the Ticket to the Event Organiser. The booking fee is the separate charge we make to you for facilitating the Booking (and is inclusive of VAT). If you require a VAT receipt for the face value of the Ticket you must contact the Event Organiser.

Until your payment is processed and accepted by us the unique Booking reference will not be valid.

You are advised to check your purchase on receipt of confirmation from us.

Please keep your unique Booking reference in a safe place as you may be refused entry to the Event without it. (See "Gaining admission to the Event").

Gaining admission to the Event

The unique Booking reference for each Booking is issued subject to these terms and conditions. We advise that you familiarise yourself with the following terms and conditions before attending the Event.

As the person making the Booking, you must attend the Event yourself, and must accompany all other persons for whom the Booking is made unless part or all of the Booking is reallocated using our reallocation system (read more here). Please note if you are an adult purchasing Tickets for children, you must either attend the Event yourself, or reallocate the Booking to the name of one or more of the children using our reallocation system. Some of the Events and Ticket types have age restrictions. Whilst we use reasonable efforts to provide details of any age restrictions, it is your responsibility to find out if there are any age restrictions that apply.

When you arrive at the Event you have booked, you (and/or any persons to whom you have reallocated your Booking) must be able to provide your unique Booking reference, your name, your email address, and either photographic or signature identification. Only the person in whose name the Booking has been made/reallocated needs to provide this information; persons in their party arriving with them do not, though each person will have to provide proof of age or concessionary status where these are required (see "Age restrictions, concessionary rates, right to admission"). You are responsible for making people to whom you reallocate the tickets aware of the relevant parts of these terms and conditions.

The Reallocation System

For most Events, you may reallocate some or all of your Tickets to other people using our reallocation system. This means that those other people can gain admission to the Event without you being with them.

A registered account is required to reallocate tickets. If you do not have a registered account and need to reallocate tickets then please contact our Customer Support team.

You will retain the original unique Booking reference and it will be valid only for the tickets that you have not reallocated. A new unique Booking reference will be displayed for the tickets you have reallocated. The people to whom you reallocate the tickets must provide their unique Booking reference, identification and all other information detailed above in "Gaining admission to the Event". You will continue to be bound by these terms and conditions regardless of the reallocation of some or all of your Tickets.

Reallocation may be unrestricted, restricted or unavailable.

We will use reasonable efforts to ensure that it is clearly stated during Booking if reallocation for a particular Event is restricted or unavailable.

Reallocation is usually unrestricted (available at any time up to midnight on the day before the Event, or up to midnight on Thursday for weekend Events).

For certain Events reallocation may be restricted (available up to two hours after the Booking), or unavailable.

Venue rules and regulations

Tickets are issued subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Event Organiser issued at the venue. Full details are available from the Event Organiser on request. You and all other Ticket holders in your party must comply with all relevant statutes, safety announcements and venue regulations whilst attending the Event.

The following points apply in general:

  • the Event Organiser, venue management, and we accept no responsibility for any personal property taken to an Event.
  • At the Event Organiser's option there may be no pass-outs or re-admissions of any kind to an Event.
  • Ticket holders are advised that official merchandise is usually only available inside the venue.

The Event Organiser has entered into an agreement with us to honour the unique Booking references and to treat them as conferring the same rights as printed tickets or any other form of booking available for the same Event.

All details about Events advertised by us are provided on behalf of the Event Organiser and are supplied by the Event Organisers themselves. You are strongly advised to check Event details with the venue at which it is to be held and/or the Event Organiser before travelling to an Event. We make the best efforts to keep all information as up to date as possible, but we cannot be held responsible for any errors.

We offer you the opportunity to buy Tickets from a number of Event Organisers through this Website. We exclude liability for any Tickets or other goods provided by Event Organisers or other third party suppliers to the fullest extent permitted by law. In no circumstance shall we be liable for any indirect loss, consequential loss, loss of profit, data, revenue, business opportunity, anticipated savings, goodwill or reputation whether in contract, tort or otherwise arising out of or in connection with this agreement or purchases made through this Website save where such liability cannot be excluded by law.

Any dispute regarding the content or quality of the Event, or any actions of the Event Organiser, venue, performers or their representatives is deemed to be between you and the Event Organiser.

Nothing in these terms and conditions shall be taken to limit or exclude our liability for death, personal injury or fraud caused by our or our employees or directors' negligence.

Subject to the above terms and conditions our maximum liability arising in connection with these terms and conditions and the Website shall be £1,000 per claim.

Refunds, cancellation, rescheduling of Events

Purchased Tickets cannot be refunded unless:

  1. an Event is cancelled;
  2. an Event is moved to another date, you decide not to retain your Booking for the rescheduled Event and you have notified us of your choice within the time period specified below; or
  3. details of an Event are significantly changed after an order is placed (significant changes being a change of headline act or venue), you decide not to retain your Booking for the changed Event and have notified us of your choice within the time period specified below.

Only the face value of the Ticket will be refunded if (a), (b) or (c) occurs. Ticket booking fees are non-refundable.

If an Event is cancelled, and we have been informed by the Event Organiser, we will automatically refund the face value of your Ticket; you do not need to notify us nor claim your refund.

If an Event is cancelled, rescheduled, or the details are significantly changed, and we have been informed of the change by the Event Organiser, we will contact you as soon as possible by email using the details you have supplied via the Website. If you do not receive this notification because you have not updated the email address that we hold in your account, we cannot be held liable. We will use all reasonable efforts to deliver your email messages but cannot be held liable if third party filtering services and other policies of recipient email services prevent successful delivery of your messages. We also cannot be held liable if emails are configured by you or your email service provider in such a way as to be blocked or diverted into spam or junk folders.

Required time period within which you are eligible to claim a refund if (a), (b) or (c) occurs:

If an Event is cancelled, rescheduled, or the details are significantly changed and we have NOT been informed by the Event Organiser (and so we have not been able to inform you of the cancellation), you must notify us no later than 48 hours after the Event that you wish to claim a refund.

If we have been informed by the Event Organiser that the Event is to be rescheduled (as set out in (b) above), or the details significantly changed (as set out in (c) above), and we have informed you of the change, we will offer you the choice of retaining your Booking for the rescheduled or changed Event, or obtaining a refund of the face value of the Ticket.

If you wish to receive a refund you must notify us of your choice as soon as possible, and no later than 4pm on the working day before the original date of the Event, or by 4pm on the Thursday before the original date of the Event in the case of Events where the original date was a Saturday, Sunday or a Bank Holiday Monday. If however we have only notified you in the 48 hours preceding the original date of the Event, you must notify us as soon as possible, and no later than 4pm on the day of the original date of the Event. If we have only notified you on the original date of the day of the Event, you must notify us as soon as possible, and no later than the door time on the original date of the Event.

If you do not notify us that you wish to obtain a refund within the times set out above, you will be deemed to have chosen to retain your Booking and you will not be entitled to a refund.

If an Event is moved to another date (as set out in (b) above) or the details are significantly changed (as set out in (c) above) and you decide to retain your Booking, you shall not be entitled to any refund of the face value of the Ticket, nor the booking fee nor to any other compensation whatsoever.

In the case of a refund, the face value of the Ticket will be credited to you via the payment method used for the original transaction. If this process fails then we will issue a cheque made payable to the name attached to the original order. We will send this cheque via standard Royal Mail post to the address you provided via the Website.

Transfer of Tickets

By using this site to buy Tickets, you agree that:

  • they are for the personal use of you and your party only,
  • you will not attempt to transfer them (other than by the permitted use of the reallocation system),
  • you will not attempt to resell them in any way (including by using the reallocation system).

Use of the reallocation system is only permitted for customers who wish to buy on behalf of their friends or children, its use is not permitted for the reselling of Tickets.

  • If you attempt to transfer your Ticket, (other than by the permitted use of the reallocation system) it will be invalidated, and the holder will be refused entry to the venue.
  • If you attempt to resell the Ticket, it will be invalidated, and the holder will be refused entry to the venue.
  • If we suspect you are attempting to use the reallocation system for resale of Tickets, we will invalidate your Booking.

We reserve the right to cancel Tickets that we reasonably suspect to have been acquired fraudulently.

Age restrictions, concessionary rates, right to admission

Some Events and Ticket types have age restrictions, and we will take reasonable efforts to ensure these are detailed in the Event information. Please read all the information that applies to the Event you are booking and bring a proof of age if appropriate.

Some Tickets are offered at concessionary rates to eligible persons, for example students and under-18s. If you buy concessionary Tickets, you must take the necessary proof that each Ticket holder is eligible for that concession to the Event. If you cannot prove eligibility for each person holding a concessionary Ticket, you may be asked to pay the difference on the door or refused entry completely. If you are refused entry, we cannot refund you.

The right to admission to an Event is reserved by the Event Organiser and Event venue, who may take health and safety, environmental and security concerns into account, and may carry out security searches. We are unable to offer you a refund if you are refused entry to or ejected from a venue on account of being under age (or appearing to be underage and failing to provide proof of age), declining to be searched, abusive, threatening, drunken, or other antisocial behaviour (including smoking in no smoking areas), carrying offensive weapons or illegal substances, or making unauthorised audio, video or photographic recordings. In cases of Events where prompt arrival is required, late arrival may also result in refusal of entry.

Laser pens, mobile phones, animals and Ticket holder's own food may also be prohibited from the venue.

Availability of Tickets

Some Events and Ticket types have restricted availability or allow a maximum number of Tickets per purchaser. These restrictions are indicated in the Event information or during booking. If you order Tickets in breach of these restrictions or in excess of the maximum allowed we reserve the right to cancel your order.

Tickets for Events may be available through other outlets and box offices. The number of Tickets available on this Website only reflects our remaining allocation, which is controlled by the Event Organiser, and not the total tickets remaining for the Event itself.

2. Website Terms

If you use this Website, you agree with us to be bound by the following terms and conditions. If you register an account with us then you are responsible for ensuring that anyone using the Website via your login details complies with these terms and conditions.

Access to the Website and content

We will endeavour to allow uninterrupted access to the Website, but access to the Website may be suspended, restricted or terminated at any time.

We reserve the right to change, modify, substitute or remove without notice any information on the Website from time to time.

We assume no responsibility for the contents of any other websites to which the Website has links.

Intellectual Property

The copyright, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in the material contained in the Website, together with the Website design, text and graphics, and their selection and arrangement, and all software compilations, underlying source code and software (including applets) belongs to us or is currently licensed to us, our subsidiaries or the providers of such information. All rights are reserved. None of this material may be reproduced or redistributed without our express written permission. You may, however, download or print a single copy for your own non-commercial off-line viewing.

You shall retain ownership of all copyright in data you submit to the Website. You grant us a worldwide exclusive, royalty-free, non-terminable licence to use, copy, distribute, publish and transmit such data in any manner subject to our obligations as set out in our Privacy Policy.

Exclusions of liability

We use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the data on the Website is accurate and to correct any errors or omissions as soon as practicable after being notified of them. We do not monitor, verify nor endorse information submitted by third parties including Event Organisers for posting on the Website. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all warranties and representations (whether express or implied) as to the accuracy of any information contained on the Website. We do not guarantee that the Website will be fault free and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

Due to the nature of electronic transmission of data over the Internet, any liability we may have for any losses or claims arising from an inability to access the Website, or from any use of the Website or reliance on the data transmitted using the Website, is excluded to the fullest extent permissible by law. In no event shall we be liable for any indirect loss, consequential loss, loss of profit, data, revenue, business opportunity, anticipated savings, goodwill or reputation whether in contract, tort or otherwise arising out of or in connection with this agreement or use of the Website save where such liability cannot be excluded by law.

We do not give any warranty that the Website is free from viruses or anything else that may have a harmful effect on any technology, and you should take your own safeguards in this area.

Email address and password

You must provide an email address in order for us to complete your purchase(s) and send your Ticket(s) to you. On registering an account with us, you will also need to provide a password, which must be used in order to access certain restricted parts of the Website. This is personal to you and is not transferable.

Your email address and password are the methods used by us to identify you and so are very important. You are responsible for all information posted on the Website by anyone using your email address and password and any payments due for services accessed through the Website by anyone using your email address and/or password. Any breach of security of an email address and password should be notified to us immediately.

You may not adapt or circumvent the systems in place in connection with the Website, nor access the Website other than through normal operations.

Data submitted by users

We accept no liability for data supplied by any user for display on the Website and the limitations in the section headed "Exclusions of liability" apply.

If you submit data for display on the Website you are responsible for ensuring that the data is accurate, complete and up to date and for updating that data where necessary.

If you submit data for display on the Website you are responsible for ensuring that no data is uploaded or submitted which is untrue, defamatory, obscene or abusive or otherwise objectionable or in breach of any applicable laws or rights of third parties.

You warrant that you have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure that any data you upload or otherwise submit to the Website is free from viruses and anything else which may have a contaminating or destructive effect on any part of the Website or any other technology.

We reserve the right (without limiting our rights to seek other remedies) to remove offending material placed on the Website that we consider to constitute a misuse of the Website or which is otherwise harmful to other users of the Website.

You will indemnify us for any claim or loss (including without limitation, economic loss) suffered by us arising out of your failure to observe any of the terms of this condition headed "Data submitted by users".


We reserve the right to terminate your access to the Website and/or your Booking immediately and without notice and invalidate your Ticket so that you will be refused entry at the venue if you breach any provision of these terms and conditions.

3. General terms and conditions applying to Ticket Purchases and use of this Website

If any provision of any of the terms and conditions on the Website is held to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severed and the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the terms and conditions shall not be affected.

We may modify any of the Website Terms at any time by publishing the modified terms and conditions on the Website. Any modifications shall take effect 3 (three) days after posting on the Website. We may modify any of the Ticket Purchase Terms at any time by providing the modified terms each time you make a Booking. By using this Website and its services you agree to these terms and conditions at the time of use or of Booking, therefore you should check these terms each time you access the Website and make a purchase.

All disclaimers, indemnities and exclusions in these terms and conditions shall survive termination of the agreement between us for any reason.

English Law governs all of these terms and conditions and each party submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Neither party shall be liable to the other to the extent that any liability relates to an event over which that party has no control.

The parties shall not assign this agreement to any other party without the other's consent. However, you are deemed to consent to an assignment if there is a trade sale or group reorganisation of Internet Tickets Limited.

No part of this agreement is enforceable by anyone who is not a party to it, pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 except the following terms and conditions may be enforced by the Event Organiser in their own rights; "Gaining admission to the Event", "Venue rules and regulations and Age restrictions", "Concessionary rates, right to admission".

Contact details

We can be contacted via our registered office:

Internet Tickets Limited
13 Kings Meadow
Ferry Hinksey Road

VAT number: 854433618
Company Registration Number: 04442713

Tel: 01865 798792
Email: tickets@wegottickets.com

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