100 Ballads

100 Ballads

Popular Songs in 17th Century England

Presented by: StonyWords
0 STONY STRATFORD: The Library @ 5-7 Church Street (info)
P Saturday 18th January, 2025
N Door time: 4:45pm
Start time: 5:00pm
. All ages (under 14s must be accompanied by an adult)
C Literature

Event information

The 100 Ballads Project looked at the most popular songs of the 17th century. Who were the Beatles of the day and what did ordinary people sing? At least one of the top hits was about a disputed Parliamentary election. Another is known to have been sold in the pubs in Stony Stratford. With music from Paul Martin and friends, Angela takes you on a journey into musical history.

Further information about the project can be found at: https://www.100ballads.org/

Angela McShane is Honorary Reader in History at the University of Warwick. She was previously Head of Research at the Wellcome Collection in London.

The event is on the first floor. There is a lift to enable access.


General Admission

26 tickets available

Total price: £7.70
Ticket price: £7.00, Booking fee: £0.70

Venue information

STONY STRATFORD: The Library @ 5-7 Church Street
0 5-7 Church Street
Stony Stratford
Milton Keynes
MK11 1BD
> stonywords.org.uk/
! 01908 562025
` First floor venue with access via a lift for those with a disability

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