Film: Fremont (12a)
“Fremont is an utter delight…” funny & magical. 98% at Rotten Tomatoes
Presented by: Ashburton Arts Centre0 | ASHBURTON: Arts Centre (info) |
P | Wednesday 29th January, 2025 |
N | Door time: 7:00pm Start time: 7:30pm |
. | All ages |
C | Film |
Event information
Fremont is an utter delight: a wry, musing on the human connections and possibilities that spark in the most unexpected places. Directed by Iranian-American director Babak Jalali, Fremont tells the story of Donya, who worked as a translator in Afghanistan for the US before the Taliban returned to power. Now in Fremont, California, with other refugees, in a tiny flat, surviving on a meagre income, Donya works in a factory, composing messages to be encased in fortune cookies.
One day, she sends out a message in a fortune cookie: “Desperate for a Dream”, with her name and number.
A dark and dry comedy, distinctively shot in black and white, Fremont is a funny, big-hearted reminder that you don’t need big dollars to make a great movie.
98% Tomatometer at Rotten Tomatoes
Running time: 1:28.
“The script (co-written by the director, Jalali) is especially sharp when it comes to examining the ways that refugees get pigeon-holed as saints or sinners” London Evening Standard
“A wry, Jarmuschian musing on the human connections and possibilities that spark in the most unexpected places.” The Observer
Watch the trailer here:
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