Al Lewis

Al Lewis

Presented by: Al Lewis
0 PENARTH: St Augustine's Church (info)
P Friday 16th May, 2025
N Door time: 7:00pm
Start time: 7:30pm
. All ages
C Music - Folk/blues/world

Event information

Y gwanwyn hwn bydd Al Lewis, y canwr/cyfansoddwr dwyieithog o Ben Llyn, yn cychwyn ar daith unigryw mewn partneriaeth â Thrafnidiaeth Cymru; wrth iddo ymweld â threfi a dinasoedd ar hyd rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd odidog Cymru.
Gyda 2025 yn dynodi 200 mlynedd ers sefydlu’r rheilffordd fodern; bydd Al nid yn unig yn ymweld a rhannau newydd o’r wlad, ond hefyd yn ymgymryd â dull fwy amgylcheddol a chymdeithasol o deithio, gan ddangos sut y gall cerddorion wneud eu rhan i helpu ni i leihau ein hôl troed carbon.
Mi fydd Al yn dod â’i gyfuniad o gerddoriaeth Gymraeg a Saesneg i leoliadau cyfareddol fel y Neuadd Bentref ym Mhortmeirion ag Eglwys syfrdanol Sant Tudno ar ben y Gogarth yn Llandudno.

Mae’r daith yn dilyn cyfres hynod lwyddiannus o sioeau wnaeth Al dros gyfnod y 'Dolig lle werthwyd pob tocyn ar gyfer lleoliadau ledled Cymru o Galeri yng Nghaernarfon i ddwy noson yn Eglwys Sant Ioan, Caerdydd.

Cafodd albwm diweddaraf Al, ‘Fifteen Years’, sylw sylweddol ar yr awyr a chanmoliaeth eang gan y beirniaid ar draws rhwydwaith y BBC a gan orsafoedd a chyhoeddiadau ledled Ewrop a’r Unol Daleithiau.

Caneuon gwerin â ddylanwad Celtaidd gyda naws o Nashville sy’n ymledu’n ysgafn i’n hymwybyddiaeth.” Rolling Stone (7/10)

“Mae hon yn albwm hyfryd – hynod bersonol, ond hyd yn oed yn fwy effeithiol iddi – caneuon angerddol a chadartig sy’n symud ac yn ysbrydoli yn gyfartal.” Americana DU (7/10)

“Casgliad llawn angerdd roc gwerin, grisiau i catharsis.” MOJO (4/5)

Edrychodd ar themâu cyffredinol galar ac iachâd drwy ei brofiad ei hun o ddechrau ymdopi â cholli ei dad tra'n gobeithio helpu eraill mewn sefyllfaoedd tebyg.

Mae Al wedi rhyddhau sawl albwm, wedi ennill Cân + Albwm Gorau yng Ngwobrau Americana y DU (fel rhan o Lewis & Leigh) wedi’i enwebu ar gyfer y Wobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig, Albwm Gymraeg y Flwyddyn a Gwobrau Gwerin Cymru (am ei sengl arloesol ‘The Farmhouse’).

Mae ei albymau i gyd wedi treulio sawl wythnos yn #1 ar y siartiau Cymraeg.

Mae Al wedi perfformio mewn digwyddiadau eiconig fel Gŵyl Glastonbury, Gŵyl Gerdd Americana Nashville, Gŵyl Werin Philadelphia, Gŵyl Lorient (Llydaw) a Celtic Connections yn Glasgow. Ei sengl yn seiliedig ar stori Dylan Thomas, ‘A Child’s Christmas in Wales’ oedd y gân gyntaf i’w chanu’n rhannol yn Gymraeg i’w gwneud hi ar restr chwarae BBC Radio 2 ac ers hynny mae artistiaid mor amrywiol â Gary Barlow a John Owen Jones wedi gwneud ferisynnau ohonni.

Roedd ei albwm 2020 ‘Te yn y Grug’ yn ddarn cysyniadol corawl-gwerin a ysgrifennwyd yn wreiddiol ar gyfer y sioe gerdd o’r un enw ac fe’i perfformiwyd yn y pafiliwn orlawn ar gyfer Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru 2019.


This spring will see Al Lewis, bilingual singer/songwriter from Wales, embark on a unique tour in partnership with Transport for Wales; visiting towns and cities all along Wales’ stunning rail network.

With 2025 being the 200th anniversary of the modern railway; travelling by rail, Al will not only experience new parts of the country, but also practise a more environmentally and socially conscious approach to touring and show how musicians can do their bit to help reduce our combined carbon footprint.
Bringing his blend of Welsh and English language music to captivating locations such as the Village Hall at Portmeirion and the stunning St Tudno’s Church atop of the Great Orme in Llandudno.
The tour follows on from Al’s hugely successful series of shows over the Christmas period which saw him sell out venues across Wales from Galeri in Caernarfon to two-nights’ at St John’s Church in Cardiff.

Al’s most recent album 'Fifteen Years' received significant airplay and widespread critical acclaim across the BBC network and from stations and publications across Europe and the US.

Celtic-influenced folk songs with a slight Nashville feel which gently creep into our consciousness..”
Rolling Stone (7/10)

“This is a lovely album – incredibly personal, but all the more effective for it – passionate and cathartic songs which move and inspire in equal measures.”
Americana UK (7/10)

"A collection rich with folk rock passion, a stairway to catharsis.”
MOJO (4/5)
It examined the universal themes of grief and healing through his own experience of finally beginning to come to terms with the loss of his father while hoping to help others in similar situations.

Al has released multiple albums, won Best Song + Album at the UK Americana Awards (as part of Lewis & Leigh) been nominated for the Welsh Music Prize, Welsh Language Album of the Year and the Welsh Folk Awards (for his seminal single 'The Farmhouse').

His albums have all spent multiple weeks at #1 on the Welsh language charts.

Al has performed at iconic events such as Glastonbury Festival, Nashville's Americana Music Festival, the Philadelphia Folk Festival, Lorient Festival (Brittany) and Celtic Connections in Glasgow. His single based upon the Dylan Thomas story, ‘A Child’s Christmas in Wales’ was the first song sung partly in Welsh to make it onto the BBC Radio 2 playlist and has since been covered by artists as varied as Gary Barlow and John Owen Jones.

His 2020 album 'Te yn y Grug' (Tea in the Heather) was a choral-folk concept piece written initially for the musical of the same name and was performed at a sold-out concert at the 2019 Welsh National Eisteddfod.



General Admission

Tickets are available

Total price: £15.40
Ticket price: £14.00, Booking fee: £1.40

Venue information

PENARTH: St Augustine's Church
0 Penarth
CF64 1BJ

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