Celloman: Cello Moods & Broods - The Falstaff, Ramsgate

Celloman: Cello Moods & Broods - The Falstaff, Ramsgate

Upstairs in the Waterloo room

Presented by: Celloman
0 RAMSGATE: The Falstaff (info)
P Friday 21st March, 2025
N Door time: 7:00pm
Start time: 7:30pm
. All ages
C Music - Classical

Event information

I will be performing my acoustic cello solo show in The Waterloo room upstairs at the Falstaff on Addington St in Ramsgate.
In the show, I will be presenting tracks both from the 2019 album Arpezzato Cello, and the 2023 album: Cello Moods & Broods. The evening culminates in me performing duos & trios with virtual versions of myself on screen.

Friday 21st March 2025
The Waterloo Room
The Falstaff
16-18 Addington St,
Ramsgate CT11 9JJ

Tickets: £12.50. / under 5s free
All ages

Cello Moods & Broods, released in December 2023, contains a collection of beautifully melodic original compositions for Cello duo, trio and quartet and is:
“…a fine reminder of the emotional power of the cello” - All About Jazz
This Entertaining and informative solo cello show is split into two halves.
The first half discusses, through played examples, the changing role of the cello in history from bass instrument to melodic instrument.
The cello is then introduced as a harmonic instrument, much like the guitar, through a new style of cello playing called Arpezzato, a combination of the words ‘Arpeggio’ and ‘Pizzicato’.
Playing examples taken from his solo cello album: Arpezzato Cello, Ivan uses finger techniques imported from the world of Pop/Rock, Blues and Jazz including: ‘hammer-on’, ‘hammer-off’, ‘slide’, ‘pop’, ‘slap’, ‘strum’ and ‘Walking bass’.
The second half builds on those same compositions through the addition of bowed melody and harmony as Ivan performs pieces from Cello Moods & Broods together with virtual versions of himself.
Duration: 2 x 50 mins with Interval


General Admission

40 tickets available

Total price: £13.80
Ticket price: £12.50, Booking fee: £1.30

Venue information

RAMSGATE: The Falstaff
0 16-18 Addington St
CT11 9JJ
> www.thefalstafframsgate.com/
! +44(0)1843482600
` Please check with venue.
The performances is upstairs

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