Florence Park Rocks
Pete Fryer Band, Papa Nui, Flights of Helios, Mighty Redox, Cymbal Shards, The Hormones, Weekend Warriors, Hot Crumpets, Pyjama, Neon Teepee, Cornwallis Good Time Band, IIIS, Black Sand, Spring Summer Chickens, Oxford Ukuleles, Nah Yah
Presented by: Florence Park Social Club0 | OXFORD: Florence Park Community Centre (info) |
P | Saturday 22nd March, 2025 |
N | Door time: 12:00pm |
. | All ages (under 14s must be accompanied by an adult) |
C | Music - General |
Event information
The Florence Park community has long sustained a rich live music heritage. To celebrate this long standing grassroots scene Florence Park Community Centre will host Florence Park Rocks - an all day show featuring 16 acts that are rooted in the Florence Park area.
The line up spans 60 years and 3 generations of bands with headliners, the Pete Fryer Band, having played their first gigs at Florence Park Community Centre in 1965. There's also numerous young bands and plenty more acts of ages in between.
Florence Park Rocks is a joint event brought to us by Florence Park Community Association (FPCA) and Social Club (FPSC) and is a fundraiser for the community centre.
*NOTE* - Tickets will be available on door as well