Queer as Punk: Gender Chores, Dylan Wilson, The Sabotagers

Queer as Punk: Gender Chores, Dylan Wilson, The Sabotagers

Live music from Gender Chores, Dylan Wilson, The Sabotagers

Presented by: Queer As Punk Edinburgh
0 EDINBURGH: The Wee Red Bar (info)
P Friday 25th April, 2025
N Door time: 7:00pm
Start time: 7:30pm
. 14+ (under 18s must be accompanied by an adult)
C Music - General

Event information

Queer as Punk is back with more of the best queer punk music being made today

Featuring live music from:

Gender Chores
We are Gender Chores, a DIY punk band based in Belfast, passionate about making noise and amplifying the issues we care about. Our songs broadly protest the human cost of late-stage capitalism, and our live shows are an offering of punk spirit and catharsis. As a DIY band, we seek a place for ourselves and our audience to process our rage and frustration, meanwhile centering enjoyment in the music we make. Our latest EP, which we have just finished recording with Rocky O’Reilly, censures cruelty and injustice in the world, and advocates existing in spite of it all.
Photo credit: Ellen Blair

Dylan Wilson
Last May, Edinburgh artist Dylan Wilson premiered his new gothic three piece sound at Leith Amplified’s MAYHEM festival. Fusing elements of goth, punk, and the psychedelic, Dylan Wilson offers a rock ‘n’ roll show which is curious, funny, and reminiscently vampiric. His band includes Sean Casey on the drums, and Sorrel Harland on the bass guitar.

The Sabotagers
Four noisy angry misfits
Sabotaging patriarchal oppression
And enforced conformity
Through the power of rock and roll.

Gender neutral toilets. Wheelchair accessible venue with accessible toilet. No flashing lights. Seats can be made available on request. 14+ (under 18s must be accompanied by an adult at all times).

On the door tickets: £10 or £8 concessions. (Concession: student, unemployed, pensioner, refugee, Universal Credit.) If you need a carer ticket please email Queer as Punk at queeraspunkscot@gmail.com.


Standard Advance

49 tickets available

` Max 6 tickets per order
Total price: £8.80
Ticket price: £8.00, Booking fee: £0.80

Concession Advance

50 tickets available

` Max 6 tickets per order
Total price: £7.70
Ticket price: £7.00, Booking fee: £0.70

Supporter Advance

10 tickets available

` Max 6 tickets per order
Total price: £11.00
Ticket price: £10.00, Booking fee: £1.00

Financial Hardship

5 tickets available

` Max 2 tickets per order
Total price: £2.20
Ticket price: £2.00, Booking fee: £0.20

Venue information

EDINBURGH: The Wee Red Bar
0 Edinburgh College of Art
Lauriston Architecture Building
Lady Lawson Street
> www.weeredbar.co.uk/listings.htm
! 044 (0)1316515800
` Wheelchair accessible ground floor venue. Wheelchair accessible toilet available.

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